Certified BodyTalk practitioner
Certified practitioner of ‘Prepare for Surgery,
Heal Faster’ & ‘Reduce Anxiety’
Certified Yuan Qigong Instructor

My Journey as a Healer

I was an active and energetic kid who started writing poetry in second grade. As the years went on, I could play a mean game of softball, excelled at writing, and got good grades. On the outside, I looked great.

But inside, something wasn’t right.

I couldn’t relax.

Then, one day in middle school, a Zen monk came and spoke to our class. I was fascinated by how connected and comfortable he seemed in his body—how light, funny, and in the moment he was.

I wanted to be like that!

A sense of calm washed over me that felt both surprising and natural.

I didn’t know it then, but this was the seed of what I’d study and teach for my adult life: how to help restore comfort in the body, moment-to-moment awareness, and a sense of peace and lightness to people’s hearts and minds.

In high school and college, I discovered the mind-body connection through yoga. After graduating from The University of Michigan, some friends in California introduced me to a holistic healer with whom I experienced an emotional opening and sense of aliveness unlike anything I’d ever felt.

I knew I wanted more of this, so I moved to San Francisco to learn mind-body healing.

This became my work.

I became certified in Esalen massage and studied the Rosen Method, which helps people integrate emotions and relieve tension.

As colleagues in the trainings worked with me, I started to feel a deep sense of relaxation and harmony and became even more passionate about wanting to help others feel this good.

Today, I call my approach, Bodywisdom Healing, an integration of our body’s innate wisdom and cutting-edge science. My methods include:

  • BodyTalk – synchronizes the body for deeper physical and emotional healing
  • Body Intuitive – achieves lasting results by integrating the wisdom of Chinese medicine with the latest scientific health research
  • Reiki and qi healing– energy that heals the body and opens the heart
  • Prepare for Surgery, Heal Faster – a process to feel calmer going into surgery and heal faster with less pain medication
  • The ‘Relieve Anxiety’ Relaxation – uses personalized imagery to help you feel more ease in your life
  • Yuan Qigong – graceful, flowing physical forms that help calm your mind and strengthen your body

Spiritual connection is at the heart of my work, along with deep relaxation, authentic self-expression, and the ability to move freely. I enjoy expressing this in my own life through improvisational theater, solo performance and intuitive movement.

I love supporting people to be their best and move forward with what they really want. I know what it’s like to be unable to relax and feel nourished by life. Let me help you go from stress and overwhelm to more fun, joy and flow.

Moments that made my heart sing:

* The aliveness of working with a client in the Yucatan in a thatched hut with geckos on the walls and the nearby coral reef.

* My first 10-day mindfulness retreat: the heightened moment-to-moment awareness walking in the desert with the bright shock of cactus in bloom.

*Studying non-dual wisdom (the interconnection of all things) with Jean Klein and Eckhart Tolle.

*Feeling the love and connection with an elephant named Lotus, who came up to our porch in Thailand.

*Experiencing the Yuan Qigong teacher training with an international group in New Zealand and then exploring the south island of this beautiful country.

“…I am beginning this year feeling so light and free and at peace. What you do is a gift.”
Andrea P.,

Educational Consultant